Enrique Martínez Marín
Director of Tourism Research, Development and Innovation
María Velasco González
R&D Management
Director of Administration and Finance
Rafael Cardona Ayuso
Administration Management
Director of Business Development and New Technologies
Laura Flores
Operations Management Business Strategy Management
Director of Institucional Relations
Ezequiel García
Commercial Management Communications and Media Management
Enrique Martínez Marín
President of SEGITTUR. Graduate in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Public Management (Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestión Análisis y Evaluación UCM), Master in Leadership and Public Management (UIMP-INAP), expert in Policy Evaluation and Quality of Services (AEVAL-UCM) and Diploma in “New Forms of Leadership and Political Transformation” (EILx- Goberna).
He has extensive experience in smart territories, having held responsibilities in this field as a member of the advisory board of the Cabinet of the State Secretariat for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda, as well as being the coordinator of the National Plan for Smart Territories and president of the UNE Technical Committee for Standardisation 178 (Smart Cities) (October 2013/July 2018).
He has worked in different organisations, being a member advisor to the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (April 2009 to February 2011), director of organisation, technological development and risk control at the International and Latin American Foundation for Public Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP) (February 2011 – May 2011) and advisor to the National Postal Sector Commission (CNSP), the postal market regulatory body (May 2011 to October 2013). He has also been Director General of the National Institute of Communication Technologies (INTECO, now INCIBE), under the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (March 2006/March 2009), as well as Director of the Red.es Telecommunications Observatory for the Information Society (July 2004/October 2006) and Director of the Technical Office, which, within the C.A.T.S.I., defined the Convergence Plan on which the Avanza Plan was based (July 2004/October 2006).
María Velasco González
Director of Tourism Research, Development and Innovation
Rafael Cardona Ayuso
Director of Administration and Finance
Graduate in law. Specialisation in taxation, international taxation, economic and financial analysis, company law, intellectual property, and public and private procurement.
More than 10 years’ experience in management and planning of financial and human resources management, legal management and coordination, auditing and internal management procedures, and logistics and procurement management.
He was Head of the Corporate Planning and State Ownership Planning Area at the Patrimonio del Estado Group, with functions of analysis and strategic planning of investments, corporate operations and restructuring of the Group’s companies.
He has also been a director of the following public companies: Central Informática, S. A. (CENINSA), Alimentos y Aceites, S. A. (ALICESA), Carnes y Conservas Españolas, S. A. (CARCESA), Exportadora de Tabaco de Ceuta y Melilla, S. A. (TABACMESA) and Oleaginosas del Centro, S. A. (OLCESA). rafael.cardona@segittur.es
Laura Flores
Director of Business Development and New Technologies
Computer Engineer from the University of Extremadura and civil servant at the Spanish government’s senior team for Systems and Information and Communications Technologies since 2014.
For 7 years, she has led several cross-cutting projects for the digitisation of the administration from the General Secretariat of Digital Administration, such as electronic document management, electronic filing and electronic signature, both in the Spanish government and promoting its implementation in the regional and local authorities.
In recent years, she has held the position of General Deputy Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Enabling Technologies, heading the development and implementation of the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, the National Plan for Language Technologies and the Spanish representation in Artificial Intelligence forums (OECD, G20, EC, European Council, etc.).
At the same time, she chaired the UNE’s Technical Standardisation Committee 71 (Digital Enabling Technologies) and acted as secretary of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council, a Spanish government collegiate body responsible for advising on the design of the government’s policy proposal on artificial intelligence.
Ezequiel García
Director of Institucional Relations
Senior Computer Engineer with a master’s degree in information systems and technologies for the Spanish government and career civil servant of the Senior Corps of Information and Communications Systems and Technologies of the Spanish government.
He has more than 23 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, having been the chief technology officer for some of the digital platforms with the highest web traffic in Spain. He is a high-level official in charge of regulating and promoting artificial intelligence at the national level.
His previous positions include Deputy Director General of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Enabling Technologies at the Ministry of Digital Transformation. He was responsible for the implementation of the Spanish National AI Strategy. At the regulatory level, he has worked on the development and implementation of the European Artificial Intelligence Act, the Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence and regulatory sandbox testing environments. Promotion of other research areas such as quantum computing and its integration with machine learning. Representative in international groups (OECD, international standardisation and projects in collaboration with the European Commission).
In the private sector, he has been Technology Director of Unidad Editorial, Head of Technology for ElMundo.es, Marca.com, Expansion.com and Telva.com; Technology Director of RTVE Medios Interactivos, in charge of its digital services such as the platform RTVE Play.
Natalia Vicario Sanchez
Technical Advisor of the General Subdirectorate of State Companies and Participations of the General Directorate of State Heritage of the Ministry of Finance
Juan Luis Sanchís Moll
Inspector of the Services of the Ministry of Finance.
Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
Secretary General of the Central Economic-Administrative Tribunal of the Ministry of Finance.
Vanesa Aventín Fontana
Deputy Director General of Governance and Coordination of Public Procurement, General Directorate of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance
Natalia Vicario Sanchez
Juan Luis Sanchís Moll
Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
Vanesa Aventín Fontana
Enrique Martínez Marín
Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
Secretary General of the Central Economic-Administrative Tribunal of the Ministry of Finance
Juan Luis Sanchis Moll
Inspector of the Services of the Ministry of Finance
Luis González-Carpio Fernández
Deputy Tax Registrar Ministry of Finance
Bárbara Couto María
Deputy Subdirector General for Foreign Tourism Marketing, Spanish Tourism Institute
Ángel Díez Orejas
Head of the Budget Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Eugenio Álvarez Fernández
Deputy Director General of Gambling Regulation, Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 20230 Consumption
Ana Belén Gómez Lorenzo
Deputy Director General for Service Statistics of the General Inspectorate in the Ministry of Finance
Vanesa Aventín Fontana
Deputy Director General for Governance and Coordination of Public Procurement, Directorate General for State Assets, Ministry of Finance
Cristina Serrano Leal
Advisory member in the Cabinet of the Minister of Industry and Tourism
Ruben López Pulido
Deputy Director of Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness, of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism
Natalia Vicario Sanchez
Technical Advisor of the General Subdirectorate of State Companies and Participations of the General Directorate of State Heritage of the Ministry of Finance
Javier Castro López
ead of the Technical Office of the State Attorney General
Enrique Martínez Marín
Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
Juan Luis Sanchis Moll
Luis González-Carpio Fernández
Bárbara Couto María
Ángel Díez Orejas
Eugenio Álvarez Fernández
Ana Belén Gómez Lorenzo
Vanesa Aventín Fontana
Cristina Serrano Leal
Ruben López Pulido
Natalia Vicario Sanchez
Javier Castro López