SIT Tourism Intelligence System

The SIT Tourism Intelligence System is technologically based on a big data platform in cloud mode, which studies, incorporates and analyses different sources of information and makes them available to the tourism sector.

The system collects, organises and analyses different sources of information, creating dashboards and dynamic reports adapted to the user’s needs, and making it possible for the information to be downloaded. The SIT facilitates access to and dissemination of knowledge, helping to improve the strategic planning processes of the entire sector, including specific tourist destinations. Improving tourism measurement and monitoring capabilities facilitates better-informed strategic decision-making by tourism stakeholders and operators.

The benefits provided by the SIT can be counted in different areas:

  • Knowledge and analysis of the tourism sector beyond numerical data. The system simplifies and unifies the way of collecting, organising and analysing data from the tourism sector, facilitating the transformation of data into knowledge.
  • Better informed decision-making on tourism management and promotion. Users, public administrations, economic and social actors in the tourism sector have at their disposal a greater volume of specific information, reducing search and processing costs.
  • Improving the measurement and monitoring capacities of the tourism sector. The use of this system encourages the improvement and development of information sources to adapt them to the needs demanded by the sector.
  • Having the necessary data and their appropriate processing to improve competitiveness and facilitate the comparison and study of different situations.
  • Development of new products and experiences that contribute to diversifying the market, or adapting and improving existing ones.
  • Contribute to reorienting the Spanish tourism model towards sustainability not only as an added value, but also as a requirement for tourism to continue to be an engine of economic and social development for Spain.

The dissemination of the information collected in the SIT is carried out in two ways:

  • The system’s public information is available through DATAESTUR, where all sources related to tourism are collected and can be consulted openly by all types of users.
  • Destination-specific information is accessible through tailor-made developments. The data sources they contain may have some kind of restriction that limits their use and open access.

The information contained in this system complies with the Personal Data Protection regulations, always showing anonymous, representative and truthful information. The analyses carried out are based on the independence of the sources, ensuring the impartiality and honesty of the results, respecting at all times the ethical principles of information.

